2021 in Review

It's a bit late to start write a year in review, but I always say better late than never, so here it goes.

2021 was quite the year for Spite Candle Company, it's the year we were founded! Who thought a backhanded comment could lead to the start of the thriving e-commerce candle business you're visiting today. 

The first year of operations held a lot of mistakes - some silly things, some things beyond our control. However, the year was one of iterating, learning, and one that pushed my thinking in a new direction. We seem to have worked out all of the kinks - no more candles showing up without labels or vice versa, advertising spend that doesn't lead to returns, or struggling to figure out what's the best way to ship these fragile things without them breaking.

In total, we shipped more than 70 orders in 2021 and nearly 100 units. Not bad for starting from zero, but we certainly have plenty of room to continue to grow. 

In 2022, you'll see some exciting things from us. We're working on new partnerships that will bring new products to life to delight you, new automation that will improve your experience as a customer, and growing our relationships with advertisers and influencers in the communities that we serve. 

Remember that spite can be a powerful motivator to do something positive, and to #BurnBetterScents throughout 2022!




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